Opt-in is the way
This week we are taking a minor diversion and looking at the trend towards "opt-in" . Customers are no longer happy to accept a generic product that satisfies only 80% of their needs. At the same time they don't want to pay for 20% of a product's features that they have no use for. This is pushing service providers towards an opt-in model where customers can pick and choose which features they are willing to pay for and those that they won't. These needs are likely to change over a customer's lifetime, so provide customers with the flexibility of adding or removing features as required. The implications for service providers are: Break-down products into small feature sets that can be easily understood by the customer; Simplify your billing rules so that when combining multiple feature sets, the total cost to the customer can be easily calculated and; Provide customers with the ability to activate new products as they require them and provide them with self-s...