Getting the right tools for the job

We find it interesting that service providers typically have multiple tools performing the same functions (such as provisioning, configuration, assurance and billing) but differentiated by technology. Many OSS vendors push for standardisation of models and interfaces to address this issue but this is to solve their problem not yours. Have you ever implemented one of these systems only to have that remaining critical 10% of functionality not supported by your OSS vendor's solution?

As you move down the hierarchy from Customer to Network Element the support systems required become increasingly specialised. Often this leads to organisations implementing generic Sales, Ordering, CRM and Billing systems, while running separate Network Management (NMS) and Network Element Management Systems (NEMS).

Customer to Element

Don't assume this has to be the case. See if you can run a single NMS and NEMS - this might require choosing a single technology vendor (but you might find this to be worthwhile). Similarly, consider running separate billing rating systems for different service types. This may be more effective than trying to "shoe horn" all rating capabilities into a generic rating system.

The point we want to make is that sometimes you need to dismiss conventional wisdom and just choose the best tool for the job.


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